Metaverse / 3d Game Developer

  • New Delhi
  • Geamp;g Innovations

Metaverse / 3D Game developer

Job Responsibilities:

1. Programming and Scripting:
Metaverse development often involves programming and scripting to create interactive elements, gameplay mechanics, and user interfaces. Proficiency in languages like C#, C++, or JavaScript would be valuable for implementing these features.

2. Integration of Technologies:
As a Metaverse developer, you would work with various technologies such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), and cloud computing. Integrating these technologies seamlessly into the Metaverse experience is an essential aspect of the job.

Additional skills

3. Virtual Asset Creation:
You would develop and design various virtual assets like 3D models, textures, animations, and sound effects. These assets are used to populate the Metaverse and make it visually appealing and immersive.

4. Metaverse Design:
You would be responsible for designing the architecture and structure of the virtual environments within the Metaverse. This includes creating interactive landscapes, buildings, objects, and other elements that make up the virtual world.

Collaboration and Teamwork:
Metaverse development is a multidisciplinary field, requiring collaboration with artists, designers, programmers, and other professionals. You would need to work well in a team and effectively communicate and coordinate with colleagues.

Required Skills:

Unreal Engine 5 or Unity 3D

Proficiency in 3D Design and Modeling:
Knowledge of 3D design software like Maya, 3ds Max, or Blender, and the ability to create and manipulate 3D models, textures, and animations.

Programming Skills:
Competence in programming languages relevant to the chosen platform or engine, such as Unity or Unreal Engine. Understanding algorithms, data structures, and scripting languages is also beneficial.

Familiarity with Game Development:
Experience in game development principles, including physics, rendering, lighting, and optimization techniques, as Metaverse development often draws from these concepts.

Knowledge of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality:
Understanding the principles and technologies behind VR and AR, as they often play a crucial role in creating immersive experiences within the Metaverse.

Creativity and Design Skills:
The ability to conceptualize and design visually appealing and engaging virtual environments, user interfaces, and interactive elements.

Problem-Solving and Adaptability:
Being able to identify and resolve technical challenges, as well as adapt to new technologies and platforms as the Metaverse evolves.